Monday 22 October 2012

Back to School Beauty Guide

Blush Finding a few moments to ourselves proves quite the daunting task anymore. With places to go, people to see, presentations to make and happy hours to enjoy, getting dolled up sometimes becomes more of a hassle than it�s worth or so it seems.
Make the first semester of school a memorable one! Have fun as you reinvent your style with your own sense of back to school fashion and beauty. From new shoes and purses to the hottest shades in lipstick and eye shadow, fall�s own gorgeous colors can be accented and accentuated in your own fab choices of what to wear.

Soft, smooth skin
Keep your skin feeling great and protect it from the turning of the seasons. As colder months roll in, whipped body creams provide the ultimate pampering in maintaining soft, supple skin. Pack a bottle of your favorite lotion, body cream, or moisturizer in your purse or backpack, and stash a few in your dorm or locker so you are always prepared to fend off dry, cracked skin.
The perfect pout
This season, the greatest emphasis is on the lips. Bold, wine stain hues call out autumn�s hottest shades. Choose colors that complement your skin tone and hair color, whether burgundy, brick, scarlet, or plum, to name a few. Invite a passionate kiss with pretty shades of your favorite lipstick and tinted gloss!
Flirty fingertips
Short square or short oval nails, bedecked in dark, bold shades are all the rage this season. If you can�t do dark, don�t force it. Go with your traditional favorites, or try a French manicure for an elegant look that goes with any wardrobe selection.
The eyes have it
Cool tones for eyes in blue, gray, and silver give girls the hottest looks this season. Add your own special touch by blending hues and textures with your favorite makeup, and don�t be afraid to introduce a little bit of eyeliner. In fact, white eye pencil is IN right now. Just page through a copy of your favorite magazine or check out photos of the stars online to see how a little white liner can go a long way!
To draw attention to your eyes without taking too much away from your lips, play up the eyelashes. Consider applying fake eyelashes for special occasions, and use lengthening or thickening mascara for your daily beauty needs, depending on the length and thickness of your own lashes.
Get a little cheeky
No matter what your age, a little pink or reddish tint to cheeks can go a long way. A gentle dusting of blush can freshen up a stale look in seconds. Matte skin is the trend of the season.
    The autumn emphasis on lips leaves a great excuse for sexy, subtle eyes. Make a point to keep your skin smooth, soft, and smelling great with frequent application of soothing body creams. Soft, lightly smoky eyes and dark fingertips can accent the fall beauty trends, while subtle blush upon cheeks can brighten up any appearance. Remember that trends are only trends. Donot feel obligated to try a style simply because it is popular for the season. Sometimes the fun of a beauty trend is actually making up your own!

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