Thursday, 1 November 2012

Organic Tomatoes Better Research Proves Organic

Organic tomatoes have more antioxidants
According to new research published recently in the online Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry (2007, 55 , pp 6154–6159), tomatoes grown with organic methods have more heart-disease fighting antioxidants than those grown conventionally.

In tomato gardens grown for 10 years at the University of California-Davis, the organic tomatoes ended up with a statistically significant boost in two flavonoids.
Particularly, ten-year mean levels of quercetin and kaempferol in organic tomatoes were 79% and 97% higher than those in conventional tomatoes, respectively.
So, not only that you avoid the harmful chemicals used as pesticides in conventional farming, but you also get powerful doses of antioxidants. Organic is the way to go!

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