Baby Hair Care
Similar to many of the new and exciting events that arrive after giving birth, your baby's newly grown hair is one that can come quickly and sometimes frenziedly. The hair care order of importance is washing, combing, trimming then styling. There are numerous options for tear-free shampoos and conditioners, hair styles and hair accessories that will be fun to explore with your baby. Trying out different options is the best way to find out what you like most, and what is most manageable.
Over washing can cause dry and flaky skin; to prevent this, bathe your baby and his or her scalp two to three times a week.
During bath time, gently massage baby shampoo on your baby's scalp, making sure not to overdo it.
Shampoo should be rinsed before or as soon as there is any visible lather.
While rinsing your child's scalp, your child's head and neck should be supported by either a reclining tub or your free hand.
Using a tear-free conditioner after shampooing can be helpful for babies with thick or curly hair. Unlike shampoo, conditioner will not lather and can simply be smoothed onto your baby's scalp then rinsed immediately.
After shampooing your child's hair, use a wide-toothed comb or soft brush to run through it while the scalp is still damp. (Do this even if your child has thin or no hair in order to stimulate the follicles and prevent a flaky scalp.)
Brushes work better for thin or wispy hair, and combs work better for full or thick hair. Be sure to comb or brush your baby's hair very gently.
A baby's skin is still extremely sensitive and can be upset easily by hastily-brushed or snagged hair. On days that your child does not get a bath, comb or brush the hair anyway. Be aware that hair will be more tangled when your baby's hair is dry.
During infancy, a baby will not need much hair cut other than stray strands that fall into the eyes.
The easiest time to cut your child's hair is during his or her happiest time of the day. The task will be impossible if your child is not in a good mood.
Trim the hair when it is damp and when your baby is preoccupied with a toy or other item.
Parents with babies who have long or thick hair may feel more comfortable getting a hair cut by a professional. If you are not comfortable with scissors anywhere near your child.
Before getting into styling options for babies' hair, remember it is extremely important for thinly-haired or bald babies to wear caps while outside.
Wispy or long hair can be easily controlled with hair bangs, barrettes, pig tails or pony tails for girls.
Curly hair can be a bit more difficult to manage, and it will be easier to style while damp. If your baby girl's hair is thick and curly, it can be kept short, held back with a headband or sectioned into ponytails.
For boys, wispy and curly hair is most easily manageable when kept short. Some parents attempt comb overs, but are kept busy fixing them throughout the day.
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