This is year that I’m going to tighten up my tummy. I mean business. I’m just so fed up with having a mushy muffin-top, and I have no more excuses since I’m not planning on having any more kids. The problem is that after having weathered some pretty big phases of weight gain during my pregnancies, I fear that diet and exercise alone won’t give me the results I want. Actually, I know they won’t, because it’s been a solid year that I’ve been working out religiously and eating pretty cleanly, and though I’ve lost a lot of weight, my stomach still spills out of my jeans.
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Since I’ve given the good old-fashioned muscle method a thorough go (and always will), I’ve decided that it’s time to get some extra “help.” I contemplated a tummy tuck, but it seems too invasive, and I freaked out after watching Kate Gosselin’s consultation (which also made me feel a little bit better about my stomach situation). So I started researching less invasive procedures, and decided to try the new Lipomassage by Endermologie. “It is the only scientifically proven technique, targeting the fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. To date, all our clients who have experienced this technology have been extremely satisfied,” says Nicole Contos, CEO of NYC’s , one of the few medispas that has the latest LPG Lipomassage machine, called the Integral.
Here’s how the treatment works: You strip down, then slip on a body stocking (think of a unitard made out of pantyhose), then the specialist massages your body with the machine’s new Ergodrive head, which is equipped with a bunch of motorized rollers that lift up and knead your skin in various different directions. This “mechano-stimluation” of the skin’s surface is proven to stimulate a deep biological response to eliminate fat cells, reduce cellulite, firm the skin, improve lymphatic drainage and overall reshape the contours of your body–all without any cutting, sucking, or other unpleasantries. Each treatment costs $150 and takes about 45 minutes, and upon my first consultation, I was told that I may see results after the first session, but should commit to at least six or eight sessions, getting two a week, to start reaping the benefits. A total of 20 sessions is suggested to see maximum results, after which you can go into maintenance mode with one monthly treatment. I was a little afraid of the cost and time commitment, but stayed the course because, as I said, I mean business.
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I have to say I felt a little slimmer after the first treatment, but it wasn’t until after my third treatment that I started to notice visible results. I could see that my stomach skin was more toned, less squishy and didn’t have that bloated look. I was really impressed. Maybe it was a slight body change that only I would notice, but it was enough to make me a believer, and I wound up doing a total of 10 sessions. Each week I saw a little more improvement, and by the end of five weeks, I can definitely say that I’ve gone down one pant size. I should point out that I kept up my workout regimen and good eating habits at the same time. In fact, I was told Lipomassage results are actually enhanced when you work out soon after a treatment because it’s easier for your body to flush out the toxins and fat.
The most challenging part of the whole process was finding the time to fit it into my day, but once I made it to the spa and lied down on the table, I was thrilled to get those 45 minutes of “me” time, and the
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