A study conducted by Loma Linda University in California involving
31,000 Seventh Day Adventists found that eating nuts lowered the risk of
heart disease and helped participants keep their weight down.
Other large-scale studies, including the Physician’s Health Study, the Harvard Nurses Health Study and the Iowa Women’s Heath Study also found that eating nuts lowered heart disease risk.
Other large-scale studies, including the Physician’s Health Study, the Harvard Nurses Health Study and the Iowa Women’s Heath Study also found that eating nuts lowered heart disease risk.
Best Nuts, Healthiest Nuts
1. Almonds – A handful of almonds gives you about 25% percent
of your daily needs for magnesium, and more calcium than an equal amount
of cow milk.
Almonds are also high in many antioxidants, such as vitamin E and
selenium. Studies show that almonds may play and important role in
preventing colon cancer due to their high fiber content. Almonds also
help lower negative forms of cholesterol in the blood stream.
2. Walnuts – Studies show that eating walnuts is related to
heart-health, better cognitive function, as well as the reduction of
skin and bone conditions.
Almonds are full of an antioxidant known as ellagic acid, and researchers have shown that walnuts contain 16 disease-fighting polyphenols – compounds which protect cells against free radical damage.
One of the best nuts on earth, walnuts may actually increase our brain function.
Almonds are full of an antioxidant known as ellagic acid, and researchers have shown that walnuts contain 16 disease-fighting polyphenols – compounds which protect cells against free radical damage.
One of the best nuts on earth, walnuts may actually increase our brain function.
3. Brazil Nuts – High in heart-healthy nutrients and minerals like copper, niacin, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and selenium.
Brazil nuts may also aid in the prevention of breast cancer, according to research.
Brazil nuts may also aid in the prevention of breast cancer, according to research.
4 Pecans – New clinical studies show that this nut
significantly lowers cholesterol. Pecans are also a great source of
twenty essential vitamins and minerals.
5. Cedar Nuts – Siberian Cedar nuts, originating in Russia,
hold 70% of the essential amino acids that the body needs. They also
contain high amounts of Vitamin A, B and D, as well as
tocopherol-containing Vitamin E. This exotic nut also contains a special
form of Vitamin P, a vital fatty acid similar to fish oil, which is
known for reducing the amount of LDL cholesterol, keeping the arterial
walls free of disease-causing inflammation and plaque.
6 Macadamia Nuts – These nuts are high in protein, fiber, healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium.
Raw nuts pack perhaps the most energy of any other food. They make a
healthy snack that is low in calories. Healthy nuts are definitely a
great addition to your diet.
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