Saturday, 18 August 2012

Homemade Sunburn Relief Recipes

Sun Burn Lotion
8 ounces non-medicated lotion5 drops clove oil
5 drops peppermint oil
2-4 teaspoons powdered Comfrey Root
2-4 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel

Mix together thoroughly in a bowl. Chill, if desired.

HINT: Amounts of Comfrey Root or Aloe Vera gel may be increased, but do not increase the amounts of clove or peppermint oils, as they may cause skin irritation.

Cucumber Sunburn Lotion

1 cucumber - chopped
1/4 cup Glycerin
1/4/ cup Rose-water

Squeeze juice out of the cucumber with a lemon-squeezer, and mix with Glycerin and Rose-water.
Sunburn Soothing Bath

2-4 cups *Colloidal (not regular) oatmeal
1/2 to 1 cup baking soda
1-2 cups powdered Chamomile flowers
1 cup buttermilk, optional

Add all ingredients to bath water, or wrap in cheesecloth and tie to the faucet for adding aroma.
Sunburn Mist

2 fluid ounces of distilled water
9 drops of lavender
2 drops of peppermint
1 drop of spearmint

Mix all, then mist lightly over sun-burned skin.
Various Natural / Homemade Remedies

1. Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to sunburn.
2. Mix 10 ounces Non-fat Dry Milk, 2 tablespoons salt and 25 ounces water. Saturate cloth and apply to sunburn 20 minutes.
3. Apply mayonnaise as a skin cream to sunburn.
4. Use Aloe plant, or pure aloe vera gel.
5. Apply peanut oil to sun-burned area(s).
6. Apply thin slices of cold cucumbers, apples, or potato directly to the skin.
7. Apply cold, plain yogurt, then rinse with cool water.
8. Apply cold, used tea bags to sun-burned eyelids to relieve pain and swelling.
About the Author

Sandy is a freelance writer and webmaster of She enjoys living the frugal life, saving money, and helping others to do the same. Subscribe to her newsletter to receive more money-saving ideas and frugal tips. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.

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