Tuesday, 10 July 2012

How To Make A Concealer At Home

Concealer is an important makeup product, which is used to hide pimples, discoloration and scars in the skin. It’s a great idea to learn making concealer at home, as commercial ones may not be as good as their labels or ads boast about. It will make sure that you are using the right things for your skin and also saving money at the same time.
Get these ingredients:
You will need to have a cream base and unblended mica in few different shades. Buy these from any wholesale makeup supplier which sell products for those who make their own makeup at home.
Mica is important
Unblended mica is one of the most important ingredients. It gives concealer its color. Choose mica which has the closest similar shade with your skin tone.
For tan and beige skin tone: Use gold mica with oriental beige mica to give the most accurate color. Adjust the amount of Oriental beige for making skin tones fair.
For darker tone skin: Bronze, Sienna, and sienna fine will be much better.
Grind unblended mica in an electric grinder or a coffee grinder to remove lumps in it. Alternately, use back of a spoon to crush mica into a smooth powder. Another way is placing mica in a zip-lock bag and sealing tightly. Make it even with the help of your fingers.
Get a plastic mixing bowl and place 2 tablespoons of cream base in it. Add 1 tablespoon of mica powder. Stir well to combine both the ingredients. Whichever cream base you are using, mix one part of mica powder and two parts of cream base. Gently beat this mixture for 5 to 10 minutes, with an electric blender on low speed. It will allow pigment of the mixture to get evenly combined. Otherwise, you will have blotches on the skin when concealer is applied.
How to store
When you are done with mixing, get a clean dry jar, and carefully pour mixture into that using a spatula.
How to apply
Use a concealer makeup brush and apply that mixture thinly on top of scars, blemishes, bruises and dark eye circles. Cleanse your skin before that. If necessary, toning, exfoliation and mask can also be used before you start with your makeup.

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