Working fulltime and trying to raise a family does not leave much
energy or time to worry about one�s makeup. For professional females,
getting dolled up for work and play may have become a thing of the past
long ago. With just a few spare moments, though, quick and easy beauty
tricks can refresh a woman�s look instantly.
Discover these free beauty tips on skin care secrets, fashion by body type, hair style advice and makeup tricks for eyes, cheeks,Body Care,Face Care,Aromatherapy,lips and your complexion that will work for any woman or teen girl.
- Beauty Tips
- Facials
- Aromatherapy
- Summer Guide
Home Remedies
- Whiter Teeth
- Nail Fungus
- Insomnia Causes and Treatment
- How to Get Rid of Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags
- How to Fade Freckles
- Home Remedies for Colds
- Hangover Prevention and Remedies
- Fingernail Biting
- Dandruff Causes and Treatment
- Crows Feet: Causes and Treatment
- Bad Breath Causes and Home Remedies
- Age Spots: Prevention and Treatment
- Hand and Feet Care
Fashion And Style
- Teen Fashions, Styles, & Trends
- Swimwear Shopping Tips
- Vintage Clothes Shopping
- Shopping for Plus Size Clothing
- Fashion Trends for Spring & Summer
- Fashion Trends for Fall & Winter
- Fashion Tips for Women
- Fashion Shopping Tips
- Common Fashion Mistakes
- Fashion Fads
- Best Fitting Jeans
- How to Dress Slimmer
- Colors Make a Fashion Statement
- Face Care
- Eye Care
- Hair Care
Diet And Health
- Weird and Wacky Ways to Burn Calories
- How Much Protein Do I Need
- Foods to Eat For Healthy Skin
- I Tried It: Body Contouring Lipomassage
- Foods That Help You Lose Weight
- How To Look Hot At The Gym
- The Healthy Guide to Lasting Weight Loss
- Simply The Best Weight Loss Program Ever
- Home of Healthy Lifestyle
- 12 Tips to Help You Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
- Vitamins Deficiency and Its Effect on You
- Eating and Exercising for Optimal Health
- Your Diet Habits
Weight Loss
- Why are You Overweight and What Can You do About it?
- Weight Loss Tips
- Weight Loss Motivation Tips
- The Heat is On: Warm Weather Exercise
- The Truth About Losing Fat on Your Stomach
- Plus Size Fashions
- No Free Lunch
- Low Calorie Foods
- Losing Weight Without Feeling Hungry
- How To Break a Weight Loss Plateau
- Fitness and Exercise Tips
- The Benefits of a Weight Loss Journal
- How to do the Atkins Diet Right
- 10 Ways to Control Food Cravings
Organic Food
- Organic Tomatoes Better Research Proves Organic
- Organic Grass Fed Beef is Better and Healthier
- Organic Apples Are Better
- Saturated Fat Does NOT Cause Heart Disease Three Major Studies Found
- Nutritional Superiority of Organic Foods
- Best Nuts Healthiest Nuts
- Organic Coleslaw Recipe
- Organic Hot Pepper Good Health Benefits
- Peaches Contaminated With Pesticides
- Best Natural Antioxidant Spice
- How to Grow Mushrooms in Your Home
- Avocado Is Rich In Minerals And Nutrients
- Must Buy Organic And Low Pesticide Foods
- Cruciferous Vegetables Health Benefits
- LINK2 ITEM 2.3
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Hassle Free Beauty Tips for Hardworking Women
Sexy Mini Skirts
Why are mini skirts sexy? What makes men like seeing women�s legs?
I can understand the primeval lust for breasts (supposedly resembling buttocks!) and for red lips (similarly resembling flushed sexual organs!), but why legs?
I can understand the primeval lust for breasts (supposedly resembling buttocks!) and for red lips (similarly resembling flushed sexual organs!), but why legs?
It is not that women who ran faster were better breeders or
anything. Maybe it is the exposed flesh that�s been covered in more
modest times.
How To Get Stains Out Of Your Clothes
No matter how careful we are, what could have been avoided sometimes
just happens. We get food spilled on our clothes while cooking or
eating, our men soak their shirts with sweat when they go to the gym,
our kids get too rowdy and play in the dirt even if they are told to
stay clean, and guests can leave marks on the pristine upholstery of the
living room furniture. Yes, stains happen even when we least expect it.
Proper Spa Etiquette
Ah, the spa. A small slice of heaven on earth. A place to unwind, to
de-stress and to relax, a place where one can shed off her worries away.
A place where you can entrust yourself to gentle, caring hands and feel
yourself healed, renewed and made beautiful again. Going to the spa is
the perfect treat you could give yourself after a week is worth of hard
work. Heavenly spa!
Busy Babe Beauty Guide
a few moments to ourselves proves quite the daunting task anymore. With
places to go, people to see, presentations to make and happy hours to
enjoy, getting dolled up sometimes becomes more of a hassle than it is
worth�or so it seems.
When you add up all the minutes it takes to select an outfit,
accessorize with the right purse and appropriate jewelry, dry and style
your hair, apply makeup and dash out the door, before you know it you�re
running late again. The problem is this: You want to look great but you
don�t want to spend a near-lifetime getting ready.
Monday, 22 October 2012
First Impressions
So ladies, we all know the saying First impressions last. We meet
these words as a catch phrase on some commercial on TV or the radio, or
in some book or magazine that we happen to read. We hear our mothers and
our girl friends alternately nag and advise us about making a good
first impression. It is an idea that is deeply ingrained in most of us.
Back to School Beauty Guide
Finding a few moments to ourselves proves quite the daunting task
anymore. With places to go, people to see, presentations to make and
happy hours to enjoy, getting dolled up sometimes becomes more of a
hassle than it�s worth or so it seems.
Make the first semester of school a memorable one! Have fun as
you reinvent your style with your own sense of back to school fashion
and beauty. From new shoes and purses to the hottest shades in lipstick
and eye shadow, fall�s own gorgeous colors can be accented and
accentuated in your own fab choices of what to wear.
It is inevitable. There are just some times, in the course of an entire
day, that something will pop up to get us down. It could be anything,
any thing at all. It could be that your car would not start, you
discovered bits of your lunch sticking in between your teeth right after
a very important client presentation, or you found a long and nasty run
along your stockings in the middle of a dinner date. It could be a
reprimand from your boss, a missed deadline, a lost business
Simple Ways to Retain a Youthful Look
We women, in one way or another, wish to look young all our lives.
Whether you pin the blame on our upbringing, the media or our
youth-oriented society, the thing is that we do indeed desire to retain
our youthful looks for as long as we can. That is why cosmetic surgery
and the cosmetic industry in general are making loads of money. Many
women and even men are willing to spend a tremendous amount just to
keep their faces and bodies looking young.
Easy Effective Tips to Moisturize Your Skin
Serenity And The Road To Beauty
Beauty is not always about how you look, what you are wearing or how
you smell. Despite society�s current emphasis on what looks good, hip or
cool, beauty that puts so much stock on the physical and takes into
account only these small things is at best superficial.
What definitely counts as true, real beauty is not judged by how
the palette you used for your makeup matches your skin coloring, or if
the clothes you wear flatter your figure, or if your hairdo is nice and
trendy. These are only our feathers; they make us look beautiful, but
not entirely so.
The Truth Behind Some Beauty Myths
When we were struggling through those awkward teenage years, when our
hormones were wreaking havoc on our bodies and our skin, we were most
likely inundated by advice from our mothers and grandmothers, and even
our girlfriends, on what we should do to keep ourselves beautiful
despite the storm of changes upon us and upon our bodies. Some of them
sound sensible, while some sound totally absurd.
But even if these pieces of advice sound really silly, there are some
of them that we could not easily shake off. They seem to work for us,
and why let go of a good thing if it is working somewhat?
Nonetheless, for curiosity�s sake, sometimes there is a need to
ask. Do the beauty practices handed down to us by our mothers,
grandmothers and girlfriends that we have religiously observed through
the years hold a grain of scientific truth in them, or are they merely
beauty myths spun by old wives? Let�s find out.
Turn Your New Year's Resolution into Reality
How to Look Better for the Holidays
With the hustle and bustle this time of year, you've
probably paid more attention to shopping and cooking than the latest
beauty trends and fashion. The holidays are just around the corner and
since you'll most likely be spending the majority of your time with
friends and family, you'll want to look your best.
Holiday Makeup Tips & Tricks
With holiday shopping, parties, and activities,
chances are you will receive ongoing exposure to eyes everywhere.
Anticipating time with friends and family gives us determination to put
our best foot forward make the most of our natural beauty. If you're
wanting to look fabulous for the holidays but just don't have the time
for heavy maintenance, here are some simple makeup tips and ideas to
update your look and add some pizzazz to the festivities.
Holiday Beauty Do's and Don'ts
Why is it that whenever you go to a holiday party,
you can always find someone who doesn't look how you would expect? Is it
because you think they overdid their fashion or makeup, or is it a touch
of envy? Beauty queen or fashion disaster, it's up to you. If you want
to shine for the holidays, take note of these holiday do's and don'ts to
spruce up your look and receive raves from your friends and family.
10 Tips for Getting Fit In the New Year
It's a new year, and time to get moving! Although
Americans know there are many health risks associated with a sedentary
lifestyle we often feel overwhelmed with the mere thought of exercise,
even though we know the benefits are plentiful. Not only is exercise
good for your health but it is also good for your mind and overall sense
of well being.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Perennial aquatic herb. Root-stock stout, cylindrical, embedded in the mud. Leaves peltate, radiately nerved, margins wavy, petiole long, aculeate, inserted in the middle of the leaf. Flowers large, solitary, handsome and fragrant, rosy or white, carpels numerous, ovoid, fleshy, sunk separately in cavities of receptacle, maturing into nut-like achenes, skin hard and blackish-brown when ripe.
Perennial aquatic herb. Root-stock stout, cylindrical, embedded in the mud. Leaves peltate, radiately nerved, margins wavy, petiole long, aculeate, inserted in the middle of the leaf. Flowers large, solitary, handsome and fragrant, rosy or white, carpels numerous, ovoid, fleshy, sunk separately in cavities of receptacle, maturing into nut-like achenes, skin hard and blackish-brown when ripe.
Rose Petals
A small, erect, prickly shrub with unequal, large, hooked prickles and many bristles, leaves compound, alternate, leaflets usually five, rachis not prickly, flowers usually pink, very fragrant, very double on long slender pedicels, calyx tube globose, ovoid, the mouth contracted, lobes 4-5 imbricate, petals many, stames many, inserted on the mouth of the calyx tube, carpels many in the bottom of the calyx tube, style subterminal, free stigma thickened, ovules solitary, pendulous, fruit a fleshy his enclosing bony achenes, seeds small, pendulous.
Nettle Leaves
A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a a coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: Its leaves are fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60cm long tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches, flowers yellow or orange in racemes. Aloe vera fruits are like loculicidal capsule.
Lavender Oil
A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage.
Herbal Amla is a small to medium sized deciduous tree, 8-18 m in height with thin light grey bark exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes; leaves simple, very many, subsessile, closely set along the branchlets, distichous, light green having the appearance of pinnate leaves. Flowers of Herbal Amla or Indian Gooseberry are greenish yellow, in axillary fascicles, unisexual, males numerous on short slender pedicels, females few, subsessile, ovary 3-celled; Amla fruits globose, fleshy, pale yellow with six obscure vertical furrows enclosing 6 trigonous seeds in 2-seeded 3 crustaceous cocci.
Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally.
Butea Superba
Butea Superba, Bastard Tea, Flame of Forest
(Butea Monosperma)
A medium sized deciduous tree, very conspicuous when in flower, 12-15m in height with gum-containing grey bark exfloiating in irregular pieces, and somewhat crooked trunk, leaves 3-foliate, leaflets coraceous, obtuse, glabrous above when old, finely silky and conspicuously reticulately veined beneath; flowers bright orange red, large, in rigid racemes; fruits podsm thickened at the sutures.
A medium sized deciduous tree, very conspicuous when in flower, 12-15m in height with gum-containing grey bark exfloiating in irregular pieces, and somewhat crooked trunk, leaves 3-foliate, leaflets coraceous, obtuse, glabrous above when old, finely silky and conspicuously reticulately veined beneath; flowers bright orange red, large, in rigid racemes; fruits podsm thickened at the sutures.
"Medium to large tree with gray-brown bark; leaves bipinnate, the primary leaflets subopposite, 2-4 pairs; ultimate leaflets opposite, 6-8 pairs, oblong, slightly asymmetric, blunt, 2.5-4.5 cm long; flowers fragrant, in loose heads, pedicellate, the head 2-4 cm broad, whitish; stamens long-exserted; pods flat, thin, pale straw-colored when mature, 15-20 (rarely 30) cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, few-seeded, the seeds bulging; pods drying, opening slightly or not"
Prom Hairstyles
Step up the romance with an elegant hairstyle for
prom. Wavy, curly or straight, you'll want the style you choose to
compliment your facial features and last throughout the evening. You can
opt for a classic updo, or eye-catching, trendy style. Consider your
dress when making your decision and coordinate your hair and
Beauty, Makeup, and Fashion Tips for Prom
Prom night is near and what better way to celebrate
spring than a formal dinner and dance with a stunning, flirty dress?
Whether you have a date or you're going solo, prom is your night to glow
with your own glamour and unique style. This year's formal fashion
trends are a mixture of pop star trends and simple elegance. Play up
your diva factor with a flattering color and style that will make you
feel like a "hot" Cinderella at the ball.
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