Thursday, 26 July 2012

Why are You Overweight and What Can You do About it?

One of the major obstacles to successful weight control is lack of understanding. In plain terms, ignorance may be bliss but it certainly does not lead to shedding of excess pounds.

Glandular Problems
For example, many overweight people claim that their problem is due to their "glands". They believe that they have some kind of metabolic disease that causes them to pile on the weight. In fact, only occasionally is this so. In a very small proportion of overweight people a simple blood test, arranged by a GP, may show that the thyroid gland is under active. In such a case thyroid hormone replacements may help the weight problem. But I must stress that thyroid problems are rarely the cause of excess weight.

Weight Loss Tips

This guide is dedicated to providing you with healthy and practical weight loss & diet tips that will assist you in your quest to lose weight safely & naturally, and keep it off!
You won't find any fancy diets or tricks here, just plain, simple common sense advice. Education is the key to weight loss success and it starts right here. Make adjustments to fit your individual needs as you begin seeing results. Once you learn how your body uses food and how to balance your food intake, you're well on your way. The weight loss potential, however, is limited only by your own drive and determination.

Weight Loss Motivation Tips

Being on a weight loss regimen is no easy task but it's definitely doable! The trick is to not expect results overnight. The longer you stay motivated, the more success you will achieve. Motivation can come from many sources. It could be a picture, a friend, or other weight loss success stories. Follow these weight loss motivation tips to keep you encouraged and closer to your goals. Find out what works for you and run with it.
  • Don't look for immediate results. Your initial weight loss will be water weight, so plan for the long haul.
  • This is a new way of life, so don't make drastic changes.
  • Take it one day at a time and set realistic goals.
  • Set small goals of 5 lb increments.

The Heat is On: Warm Weather Exercise

(CARLSBAD, CA) -- If you've been anxiously awaiting summer and the opportunity to take your workouts outdoors, just remember that exercising in warmer weather has its risks. To make sure you don't wind up with a dangerous case of heat exhaustion or heat stroke follow these tips from Judi Sheppard Missett, founder and CEO of Jazzercise:
Drink, drink and drink some more. Hydration is critical in preventing heat-related illness. Consume water before, during and after your workouts.

The Truth About Losing Fat on Your Stomach

Do you know anybody who does not wish to get rid of the fat on one particular area of their body? I have not met anybody like that!
"If I could only get rid of my big belly"! "Oh, I wish my thighs were slimmer"! Does it sound familiar?
Even skinny people are often unhappy with the excess fat in some areas of their body. We've all seen those skinny men with huge bellies!
This common problem is accompanied by a widespread belief that you can lose the fat on a "problem area" by exercising that particular area.

Plus Size Fashions

Just because you're a larger woman doesn't mean that you have to wear the boring, ultra-drab clothing that's commonly available. Our average dress size is going up and there's an increasing number of women who want to look fashionable and chic without looking frumpy. Fortunately, designers are listening to consumers and are creating attractive, plus-size fashions for women.
Still, it's difficult to find larger clothing in many areas of the country or they're very limited. What's more daunting, is choosing suitable styles that will disguise flaws (we all have them) and help us look slimmer. The following tips will help you choose the most flattering clothing when out shopping.

No Free Lunch

It is a human nature to want to get things done quickly. The marketing industry is quite aware of this principle, and it knows exactly how to appeal to your sense of impatience.
"Get rich quick!"
"Earn a Bachelor's degree in 2 months!"
"Drop 30 pounds in 30 days!"
Do these ring a bell?
We all desire instant gratification. There is nothing wrong with wanting it. In fact, I don't think there is anyone out there (myself included) who would not want to get rich with no work, earn a diploma with no studying, or lose weight with no effort.
But you should know better... "There is no such thing is a free lunch"!
People who fall for the quick-rich schemes end up wasting their money - did they really think they can get rich stuffing envelopes?

Low Calorie Foods

When I finally decided it was time to lose weight and get back in shape, I didn't know where to begin or exactly what I should be eating. There are so many fad diets available and I did get sidetracked on the low-carb, Atkins diet, only to quickly discover that it wasn't for me.
A few years ago, I found a website that helped me understand what it takes to lose weight and gave me the motivation to do it. I have looked for it again for my own benefit and that of our readers. Unfortunately, I cannot find it.

Losing Weight Without Feeling Hungry

Many people associate weight loss with being hungry all the time. They're afraid to start a weight loss plan because they want to avoid the frustrations of hunger.
And yes, a lot of times for many people it's better to be overweight than to starve. I'm no exception. I really like to eat, so there's no way I would be constantly hungry for the sake being thin. What kind of life is it if you're always feeling hungry?
Our natural instinct tells us to eat when we are hungry. Hunger is a signal telling the body that it needs to eat.

How To Break a Weight Loss Plateau

One of the most common questions asked to us is:
"I've successfully lost X of the Y pounds I want to lose, but now I am stuck at the same weight even though I'm sticking to my diet. How can I start losing again?"
Here's the answer... You've reached a plateau (which is normal), and --- it's time to shake things up! ---
Plateaus are a fact of weight-loss life, so don't get down on yourself. In fact, now is exactly the time to pat yourself on the back: Look at how far you've come and be proud of it! Then you can determine if this is really a plateau -- or if you have simply reached your ideal weight.

Fitness and Exercise Tips

As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life. Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice packs.
Experts advise that 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week is beneficial for both men and women. Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club. Opt for a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually. Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories, and control body fat.

The Benefits of a Weight Loss Journal

If you've tried time after time to lose weight and it's not working, maybe it's because you're not aware of exactly how much you're eating. It's not always easy to bare all privately, let alone in a blog for the world to see. Fortunately, by doing so, it's much easier to pinpoint exactly what we're doing wrong so that we can make some adjustments to see success.
Whether you decide to keep your weight loss journal private or put it online, there are several benefits to keeping precise notes and writing down everything you eat, as well as your fitness and exercise activities. Sometimes, ignorance is not bliss and it can mean failure, so start tracking your progress.

How to do the Atkins Diet Right

Let me tell you something - if you are doing the Atkins Diet, you might be doing it wrong. I have been on diet forums for years, have consulted thousands of people on low carb diets, and I am seeing it again and again.
People don't know how to implement a low carb diet. Very often people fail to lose weight or to adapt to the low carb life style. Many people give it up after a couple of days because they don't know how to do it right. The Atkins Diet is the most famous low carb diet, but it is full of pitfalls just waiting for you to walk into.

Rule #1: Calories DO count. You must count both carbs AND calories

10 Ways to Control Food Cravings

Maybe it’s something sweet or salty. Or spicy or fatty. Whatever you crave, it’s bound to derail your diet unless you put a stop to it, pronto. Of course, that’s not easy but it’s nearly impossible to lose weight without a strategy for weak moments.
Know the difference between cravings and hunger. Cravings have little to do with hunger, they are just a strong desire for food that is probably unhealthy and full of calories. If you are hungry, go ahead and eat but be reasonable. If you are craving something but are not hungry, you will need to work through it without bingeing. Here’s how.

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